Helping with school trips

Many primary schools take pupils on both educational and leisure outings.  These trips require high ratio of adults to children and so parents or other adult helpers are necessary to supplement staff on excursions.  Being able to assist by accompanying a class on a visit to a museum or sports festival both provides needed help to the school and allows relationships to be built with staff members and children in a more informal setting than the classroom.

Any helpers will need to be disclosed and PVG members.  You could have a bank of church volunteers who could be asked; it would be a great way for retirees to get involved. Contacting the school office would be the first step in being put in touch with the relevant staff member. They can tell you if it is a need the school has, and give details of when the trips are. Only offer what is realistic; if ten helpers are needed don’t promise them all from the local churches as the school will feel let down if you can only find a few people!


“Golden Time” Helpers


Subsidising School Trips