Pray for Schools

A great way to support and serve your local school is through prayer. From Shetland to Stranraer people are praying for schools, asking for God’s blessing on them, praying for their needs – and seeing answers to prayer. Pray for Schools Scotland has seen a tremendous increase in schools prayer over the past few years, with around 63% of Scottish schools are now registered as prayed-for. 

You might worry how praying for a school might be received, but the majority of responses are positive.  Head teachers are often moved to think that someone cares enough to pray for them and their work, and praying often leads to local Christians coming forward to serve the local school community in practical ways.

Are you praying for your local school – as an individual, a group of parents, or as a church?  If so, please consider registering with Pray for Schools Scotland. This gives you an opportunity to link with others praying for the same school. If your school isn't prayed for by anyone else it will be added onto the ever-growing list at   You will also receive a Pray for Schools Scotland Update newsletter in September, January and May, giving news, information and stories from others who are praying for their school. Please join us in making every school a prayed for school!


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