Office Staff Meal

The office staff are the first point of contact in a school. They provide a welcoming atmosphere and help with numerous queries as well as making sure everyone is in the right place at the right time. To show your appreciation of their support you could provide a yearly Office Staff Meal at the Church.   

Menus should be distributed to the school(s) in advance to provide a formal invitation, build anticipation and also to confirm numbers for those catering the meal! Perhaps you could make it a drop in meal, allowing staff to drop in when suits them and stay for as long or as little as they desire? 

How can you start this yourself?

  • Identify who will cater the meal - outside caterers or some of your own members?

  • Work out when is the best time of year to hold the event - not only for the Church but also for the staff.

  • Ask the staff, if we provided this, would you come?

  • Send out a menu in advance - keep it simple.

  • Ask Church members to serve the meal and others to spend time speaking with the people who are there. Think particularly if there are there any Church members who have a specific link with the school(s)?


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