School Chaplains

Every non denominational school has a theoretical link to a local Church of Scotland, and a minister who is ‘School Chaplain'. In reality, this can vary enormously. Some Head Teachers prefer not to have a Chaplain; some ministers feel that working in schools is not their gifting. Chaplaincy can just involve leading an occasional act of RO, or it can become much more developed. A team, perhaps from different churches, can provide a chaplain (lay or ordained) for each year group. This team can have an ongoing pastoral role in the lives of the pupils, and take part in lessons and other school activities.

It is always worth discovering if there is a Chaplain, and having a conversation with him or her. There may be current projects that need help. It may be that the Chaplain finds school’s work a duty rather than a joy, and would be delighted to have others alongside them. At the very least it is courteous to inform them that there are other local Christians who are looking to serve and build links. We all follow Christ, striving for unity in our work in spite of any differences is honouring to God and a better witness to the school.


Draft Chaplaincy Agreement - Click here
Code of Conduct for School Chaplains Example - Click here


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